Decoying Whitetails
If you have a problem with stubborn Whitetails not closing the distance. This article will bring them little buggers from 300 yards, to sitting in your lap!
TFO Review
TFO is one of our standard rods we use on a regular bases, and Rod writes a great gear review of TFO and the customer service experience he had while getting his TFO rod repaired.
What Flies, and When?
The question every fly fisherman asks, "What y'all catchin' them on?" is a classic question, and a genuinely good one. Here Connor breaks down the flies he recommends speciffically for the Yellowstone rivers, but these can be used in almost any river system.
What is a Creel?
What is a creel? Well Coltin dives into the history of this historic piece of fly fishing equipment.
Vintage Fly Fishing
Have you been interested in collecting vintage fly fishing gear? Well, it is a great way to preserve the past, or remember how things used to be. Here Rod covers the benefits of fishing vintage.
PGH Fly Review
Here is a rundown of or Top 3 favorite flies made by PGH Fly Co. We took them out and tested them in the waterways around Yellowstone and are happy to say we love them!
Building Your Beginning Arsenal
Do you want to get in to fishing or better your fishing equipment? Well this article, by Guardian Angler, covers the best of the beginning equipment so you know more about what to get.
Less is More in the Turkey Woods
Do you want to know how to locate and target turkeys late in season? Well Coltin’s got you covered with some information on how to locate and bring those thunder chickens to you.
How To Talk White Tail
Coltin talks about the only buck call you need for your next hunt during white tail season. Read about why he has come to love the Primos Buck Roar.
Hunting Waterfowl On A Budget
With waterfowl season around the corner, you want to get your gear ready. Here Wyatt Lowder gives us a break down of some great ways to get gear for waterfowl hunting on a budget.
Steelhead Candy
Want to expand your tackle and presentation when Steelhead fishing? Coltin gives a run down of different types of lures to use in your next Steelhead fishing trip!
Catch A Drift With Steelheads
Want to know more about fishing for Steelhead Trout? Look no further as Coltin discusses the best budget setup for fishing for Steelhead Trout.
Fishing Fancy on a Budget
Have you ever wanted to get into Euro Nymph Fly Fishing? Connor Truman writes about his best affordable set up to Euro Nymph. As well as his personal recomendations on gear.
Funcie Muncie Smallies
The setup you need to start fishing for Smallmouth on the White River in Indiana.
It’s Not Always About the Brand
Looking for great gear but on a budget? Coltin covers his favorite addition to his hunting gear.