A Buck Named ‘Pin Cushion’
Talk about a once in a lifetime experience! The Story of Pin Cushion is a must read for any outdoorsman. Colt tells his firsthand experience with the VOID of the whitetail deer anatomy.
Dry Fly Summer Daze
Phoenix Brown (River Raider) captures the energy of chasing trout through the North Georgia mountains, and discusses the idea of “ the one that got away”.
The Perfect Fly
Kurt Shaffer, from PGH Fly Company, takes us through how a simple observation while fishing for Steelhead started his pursuit of creating the perfect fly.
Pulling Three Inches of Pecker Out of Six Inches of Carhartt
Want to know how to get prepared for the Winter season like a degenerate? Diego’s got you covered with this in-depth breakdown of how to prep your winter gear for this comming season.
Decoying Whitetails
If you have a problem with stubborn Whitetails not closing the distance. This article will bring them little buggers from 300 yards, to sitting in your lap!
TFO Review
TFO is one of our standard rods we use on a regular bases, and Rod writes a great gear review of TFO and the customer service experience he had while getting his TFO rod repaired.
Hunting Whitetail From the Ground
Whitetail Season is coming up, and Coltin gives you the best advice on how to approach your season from a ground blind or in a spot-and-stock situation. Read more on Hunting Whitetail From the Ground here.
What Flies, and When?
The question every fly fisherman asks, "What y'all catchin' them on?" is a classic question, and a genuinely good one. Here Connor breaks down the flies he recommends speciffically for the Yellowstone rivers, but these can be used in almost any river system.
If You Give a Girl a Fishing Rod
What happens when you introduce someone to fishing who has never been? Well, they fall in love with fishing of course! Read Sarah's first-hand account of learning to fish and her personal experience meeting degenerates.
Our State is Not Your Rental Property
Florida's State Parks are under attack by politicians and inverstors looking to develop the few last natural spaces in Florida. Read more on what Florida is going through here.
Interview with North Fork Anglers
Read our interview with Blair Van Antwerp, owner of North Fork Anglers, in Cody Wyoming. This interview covers a wide spread of questions such as, business questions to favorite species of trout to target.
What is a Creel?
What is a creel? Well Coltin dives into the history of this historic piece of fly fishing equipment.
Talking Teal Season
Wyatt talks teal season hunting and how you should prepare for your next duck hunt.
How To Be Degenerate In Bear Country
Let's talk safety in bear country. Deigo gives an in-depth analysis on the Do's and Dont's of hiking in Bear country.
Hog Days During The Dog Days
Guardian Angler is back at it again with another solid article! Covering how to hunt for those hogs in those hot summer days.
Interview With Rowell On The River
Rowell Guevarra is a East Alabama Fly Fishing Guide and the go to man if you want to catch a Tallapoosa Redeye Bass. We had the privilege of getting to fish with and interivew Rowell. In this interview Rowell covers guiding, the importance of the Redeye Bass, and helping out in Non-Profit Organizations to better the fishing community.
Vintage Fly Fishing
Have you been interested in collecting vintage fly fishing gear? Well, it is a great way to preserve the past, or remember how things used to be. Here Rod covers the benefits of fishing vintage.
Top 5 Campgrounds In YNP
Yellowstone National Park can be overwheling for first time guests, with the several options for camping, outdoor activities, and food. To help prepare you for your next adventure, Coltin discusses the Top 5 campgrounds to stay at while visiting Yellowstone.
Still Water Fishing
Connor explains the best approach for fishing still water. Oftentimes, we find ourselves needing to fish lakes rather than streams, and who better to walk you through the instructions than Connor?
A Beginner’s Beginner’s Guide
Diego gives the Beginner’s Guide from a beginner’s prospective. Here he shares what has helped him with bettering his fly fishing skills.