SEPT. 2024
“I trust Stevie Wonder driving in traffic more than I do that motor” Connor
Well Summer has offically come to a close in Yellowstone National Park. Connor and Coltin have returned back home, Rod’s fishing down South, and Joel is staying put in the Park. We are pretty sure not even the volcano going off would get Joel out of the Park.
For our September Issue, we have some exciting stuff for you degenerates. We are talking about bear safety, fly fishing history, and teal hunting. We also have videos on how to tie Midge Emergers and Dry Fly Munchers.
Yes, we know the September Magazine drop was late, and we will be on schedule for October and the continuing months.
Thank you to all you degenerates out there! we could not do this without you. Enjoy the magazine this month and see ya’ll soon!
Interview with North Fork Anglers
Read our interview with Blair Van Antwerp, owner of North Fork Anglers, in Cody Wyoming. This interview covers a wide spread of questions such as, business questions to favorite species of trout to target.
Being Degenerate In Bear Country
Let's talk safety in bear country. Deigo gives an in-depth analysis on the Do's and Dont's of hiking in Bear country.
Talking Teal Season
Wyatt talks teal season hunting and how you should prepare for your next duck hunt.
Our State is Not Your Rental Property
Florida's State Parks are under attack by politicians and inverstors looking to develop the few last natural spaces in Florida. Read more on what Florida is going through here.
What is a Creel?
What is a creel? Well Coltin dives into the history of this historic piece of fly fishing equipment.
“Immerse yourself in the outdoor experience. It will cleanse your soul and make you a better person.”
Fred Bear
Dry Fly Munchers
Cian, Colt, Tori, Maggie, and Tori's mother hike out to one of the most productive alpine lakes in Yellowstone. Colt targets the Cuttys on the trusty 5 WT. The rest of the gang is giving them the business on the spinning rod. Sometimes the dry fly your throwing can be used as a wet fly. You can notice Coltin will let the fly sink, then start his stripping cadence. Switching it up on the "FLY" will get them to bite.... Yes, pun was definitely intended!
How to Tie: Midge Emerger
The Midge Emerger is a great fly to add to your arsenal if you are trying to find that missing link between nymphs and dry flies. This fly is a relatively easy tie and a great one to learn on. Let us know what flies you want to see next!